desperado, Author at Two Desperados


No secrets here. Just our deepest thoughts, experiences we’ve gathered along the way and knowledge that may come in handy. Who knows, maybe you’ll discover your inner desperado after reading a few entries.

Calm before the Brainstorm

Miloš Jurić, 2D Artist

What’s art’s part in creating new games? Where do we start in the creative pipeline? What does brainstorming themes and visual styles look like?

Šta nas čini desperadosima?

Tamara Milovanović

Ovog meseca smo organizovali prvi veliki događaj uživo i iskoristili priliku da se okupimo, družimo i razgovaramo o tome kuda idemo i na čemu sve radimo ove godine. Ujedno smo se podsetili bitnih lekcija koje smo naučili.

AI: Under Construction

Marko Jevremović

There’s a time in the journey of every successful business when it needs to embrace the AI revolution in order to continue to grow, or stagnate and die out.